Terrorist attacks, can we protect against them?

The attackers in the UK and Sweden have again both used a vehicle in a low-tech terrorist attack.  This heightens the need for anti-vehicular barriers and deterrents. Buildings are not always the initial target as they attempt to mow down as many civilians as they can, whilst heading for their objective. We also now see[…]

Personnel vs Automation Systems, Which Do You Use

Consistency and reliability are the main points in favour of automation. However, rapid responses and quick decision-making are the two prominent reasons in favour of personnel. How do you decide, which of the two methods are right for your situation? Employing personnel has been for a long time the traditional way of improving security, however[…]

Top tips to secure your premises

As a business, one of your top priorities will be to secure yourself and your property. A surprising number of crimes are offences against businesses; around 20% is the current figure. Our top tips for improving security would be: Use Lighting: External lighting can be used to great effect, and can be both decorative and with[…]